Gotham Gazette

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New Yorkers for Independent Action

New Yorkers for Independent Action

  • Super PAC’s Big Primary Spending Mostly Comes Up Short

    rivera crowd campaign site

    Sen. Rivera (photo: Rivera's campaign website)

    A Super PAC that spent more than a million dollars on state legislative primaries mostly came up short on Tuesday. New Yorkers for Independent Action supported candidates who back its main issue: a proposed education investment tax credit that would largely help charter and private schools, and used its deep resources to attack those candidates’ opponents. The tax credit legislation has stalled in Albany and NYIA is

  • Board of Elections to Consider Emergency Regulations for Independent Expenditures

    cuomo podium state of the state

    Gov. Cuomo (photo: Governor's Office on Flickr)

    The State Board of Elections is set to consider a set of emergency regulations governing independent expenditure campaigns at its board meeting on Thursday morning in Albany. The regulations will come just two days after state legislative primary elections and two months before the general election. Political action committees (PACs) and Super Pacs, or independent expenditure committees, have already had a significant presence in this year’s primary contests.

    The BOE is

  • Education-Focused Super PAC Spends on Additional Legislative Races

    Cabrera Rivera NY1 screenshot 2

    screenshot of CM Cabrera, left, & Sen. Rivera from NY1

    A Super PAC backed by the education reform lobby and a number of wealthy out-of-state donors has earned the enmity of establishment Democrats by pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into races in the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Long Island in an effort to unseat Democrat incumbents. The group, New Yorkers for Independent Action, now appears to be adjusting its strategy by supporting some incumbents.

    The PAC is at least partially focused on
