Gotham Gazette

The Place for New York Policy and politics

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Federal Emergency Management Agency

  • Get the Facts Straight on NYCHA Attacks

    bdb nycha

    photo via NYCHA

    In a recent op-ed outlining opposition to organized labor and Project Labor Agreements, Associated Buildings & Contractors Empire State Chapter President Brian Sampson paints an outdated and inaccurate picture of NYCHA. Let’s be honest, yes—there had been a long history of mismanagement at NYCHA. But with the new administration and under new leadership, we are taking NYCHA in a different direction

  • Coastal Communities Risk Being Swept Away by Rising Insurance Costs

    Samar Rockaway photo 1

    Homes in the Rockaways (photo: Samar Khurshid)

    New Yorkers were exposed to the harsh realities of climate change when Superstorm Sandy hit more than two years ago. Those living in coastal neighborhoods like Coney Island and the Rockaways are struggling to deal with the mounting impacts of climate change. But now it's not just the storms they fear, it's the rising cost of flood insurance that threatens to drown them.

    Come next year, revised flood zone maps issued by the Federal Emergency Management
