Jim Brennan
- Plunge in New York Tax Receipts Could Foreshadow Budget Deficit Just as Fiscal Year Begins
- Honoring Norm Fruchter, A Leader with Profound Impact on New York’s School System
- The Ruthless Midterm: New York Democrats Made Key Mistakes in the 2022 Elections But Still Barely Lost House Seats
- New York Must Brace for a Recession; Where Things Stand and What Comes Next
- California Outpaces New York in Equitable Inflation Relief
- What To Do with Billions of Dollars Beyond Projections That Keeps Flowing into New York State Coffers
- State Budget Paradox: Flush with Money, Spending Plans, and a Large Dose of Caution; Is There Room for One More Big Program?
- Democrats Defeat Themselves on Expansion of Vote by Mail, A Pro-Democracy Measure
- Covid Vaccination and the New York City Recovery
- Downstate Population Gains Mean State Legislature Power Shift No Matter Who Draws New District Lines
- The Massive Budget Power of the New York Governor and What’s at Stake in 2022
- City Should Quickly Expand Use of Schools as Vaccine Hubs — Welcoming Students, Parents, Staff and Anyone Else
- New York’s Congressional Redistricting Could Be Tipping Point in Midterm Battle for Control of the House
- Brooklyn and Bronx Covid Vaccination Rates Worst in State; Black and Latino Vaccination Rates Lag Far Behind
- Biden Plan Gives New York State a Two-Year Reprieve from a Damaged Budget
- New York State Has the Resources to Halt Billions in Scheduled Budget Cuts and Reset Next Year’s Framework
- The State Must Step In Now to Avoid a Mass Transit Apocalypse
- Giuliani’s Rant on Crime in New York City: The Numbers Tell a Different Story
- Congress Returns; New York’s Future Hangs in the Balance
- ‘Real’ Unemployment in New York City is as High as 25%, with 1 Million Out of Labor Force Due to Pandemic
- With Distributed Absentee Ballots Vastly Outnumbering In-Person Vote, Impact of Mail-In Ballots Could Be Dramatic
- With No Relief from Washington in Sight and Billions in Budget Cuts Looming, What Can New York State Do?
- State Budget Includes Extensive Cutbacks But We Don’t Know What They Are Yet
- New York Mass Transit System on Verge of Going Broke, Needs Bailout Quickly
- Colossal Failures by New York Budget Division Bring Turmoil and Danger to Medicaid Program
- Taking Stock of Significant Progress in New York City Schools
- MTA May Have Halted Subway Ridership Decline, But Gains Very Fragile
- Trump Tells the Truth, Sort of - Poverty & Unemployment Rates Down for People of Color, But Full Story is Complicated
- The State’s $7 Billion MTA IOU Comes Due
- New York City Further Dominates State Job Growth; Rest of State Still Growing Slowly
- New York Builds on Its Extensive Climate Leadership
- At 94%, New York Health Insurance Coverage Best of Four Most Populous States
- Federal Tax Reform is Shaking Up New York’s Finances But Flow of Bank Settlement Money is Bailing Out the State Budget
- Are the Votes There to Pass Congestion Pricing Through the State Legislature?
- Despite Need, Gaining More State Support for Affordable Housing Remains Major Challenge for De Blasio
- LIRR’s Heavy Subsidies and the Coming Debate Over MTA Funding
- Stabilizing the MTA’s Rocky Finances in 2019 and Beyond
- New York Democrats Won Big on Election Night, But Many Legislative Wins Were Razor-Thin
- New York City Residents and Economy are Generating an Increasingly Large Share of State Government Resources
- Surging Democratic Voter Turnout in New York City May Mean Greater Importance in State Elections
- Federal Corporate Tax Cuts Just Gave New Billions to New York Businesses - What About the MTA?
- The Upstate Economy and The Election for Governor
- The Byford Plan and the MTA Information Deficit
- State Budget Does Help Mass Transit, But MTA Capital Plan Uncertainty Rising
- Congestion Pricing Train Already Running Late in Albany
- With MTA Facing Massive Shortfall, A Lot Riding on New Congestion Pricing Push
- Contrary to Cuomo Claim, Upstate Economy Faltered This Century, Not Last
- Upstate New York is Home to Heavy Voter Turnout, Major State Investment and Minimal Job Growth
- The MTA’s Long-Term Financial Problem Is Severe and May Soon Be Worse
- The Mayor’s Best Argument on Transit System Funding
- The Governor Cannot Duck Reckoning for Mass Transit Decline
- National Test Scores Renew Questions About Mayor's Education Reforms
- Preventing Cuts in Education